This is How Ukraine Killed 100+ Russian Tanks so Fast in Vuhledar

Wes O'Donnell
5 min readMay 31, 2023
Photo by Dmitry Bukhantsov on Unsplash

Across the span of three weeks, the Ukrainian city of Vuhledar became a killing ground for Russian armor. In that time alone, Russia lost over 140 battle tanks and armored vehicles.

Since Russian military doctrine relies heavily on massed tank and artillery combat, this loss was a severe psychological blow to the Russian armed forces.

Now that some of the ‘fog of war’ has lifted, we can see that this tank massacre was the result of a combination of two main factors: some brilliant tactical thinking on the part of the Ukrainians and Russian tank crews and commanders who had no experience with armored warfare.

Let’s analyze the action and see how Ukraine might duplicate its victory in other parts of the country.

Vuhledar sits about 40 miles southeast of Donetsk along the pre-invasion line that divides Ukraine and the illegitimate Donetsk People’s Republic.

Because of its location, Vuhledar would be a valuable waypoint for Russia as they attempt to push west.

At the end of January, Russia began shelling Ukrainian positions in Vuhledar — this would represent the start of their three-week siege to try and take the city.



Wes O'Donnell

US Army & US Air Force Veteran | Global Security Writer | Intel Forecaster | Law Student | TEDx Speaker | Pro Democracy | Pro Human | Hates Authoritarians