Putin’s Death Cult Prepares for Huge Casualties in the Coming Days

Wes O'Donnell
3 min readFeb 7, 2023
Licensed by the author from Envato Elements

The Russian army just suffered the deadliest 24 hours since the start of the war. According to Ukraine, 1,030 Russians were killed yesterday as Moscow continues to throw thousands of freshly mobilized soldiers into the meat grinder.

This brings the Russian death toll to 133,190.

As Russia prepares for a much larger offensive in the coming days, expect to see these casualty numbers soar.

What is Russia getting in return for its human wave-style tactics?

Not much.

In an intelligence update given on Tuesday, the UK Ministry of Defense said Russian forces have “only managed to gain several hundred meters of territory per week,” because the Kremlin “now lacks the munitions and maneuver units required for successful offensives.”

Russian field commanders have been tasked with the impossible.

At this moment, they are likely trying to figure out how to achieve the Kremlin’s goals of a renewed major offensive with undermanned…



Wes O'Donnell

US Army & US Air Force Veteran | Global Security guy at War is Boring, GEN, OneZero | Intel Forecaster | Law Student | TEDx Speaker | +Democracy | +Human Rights