I usually avoid talking about politics online but I feel like Medium is a pretty safe space.
Most of my family are conservative and many far, far right. I frequently see these family members posting to social media about the post-apocalyptic state of the country under Joe Biden. But I look out the window and everything looks pretty normal.
How has their day-to-day quality of life changed under a democrat administration? Rhetorical- it hasn’t.
I don’t understand what parallel world they live in. For instance, my aunt complained that our weak, woke military can no longer defend our interests overseas or protect us here at home. She was dead serious. The most technologically advanced, well-funded military organization on the planet is weak? Record breaking military budget $857.9 billion in fiscal year 2023 approved by both parties and signed into law by the president clearly shows bipartisan support for the armed services.
It’s depressing how easily otherwise intelligent people can be swayed by constant exposure to conservative media.
Pro-tip: Always side with humans and human rights. If you’re party is putting kids in cages because their skin is brown, it’s probably not the party for me.